The Error in Our Politics - Life Issues With The Obasi Twins

I welcome you back to this awesome page after the most talked about event in Nigeria, the 2015 elections had come and gone, one can only but thank God that we are among the people that were not swept away by the Tsunami of the elections.

I know various religious groups would have set out a day from their usual worship day to thank their God for the success of the election and that Nigeria has not fallen apart like most people assumed it will.However, for some days now I have been following up comments, write ups, commendations, criticisms, etc, of the just concluded elections and I must confess everyone has his own take on the elections.Therefore, I have decided to lend my voice on a topic I find very important and worth addressing .

The involvement of young girls (18-25 yrs) in the political affairs of this country is nothing to write home about. During the just concluded election I took time out to observe female participation. Ironically I noticed that the older women were more involved than the young girls. Going round some polling units during the election I found out that 93 percent of the females excising their franchise are older women from 35yrs and above, while 3 percent of registered young girls came out because a male companion accompanied them.

It is so sad to observe that young girls have shown little or no interest in the political affairs of our great country Nigeria. I once asked a very close female friend why she is not having her permanent voter's Card (PVC) to enable her exercise her civic duty and she said to me "I was very busy with my project and it is really not a priority to me" I felt so bad hearing this comment , considering the fact that the present administration has indeed opened up the democratic space ensuring that our votes count .

Overtime, I have wondered if the expression "Leaders of tomorrow" is referred only to the male folk (boys), because it does appear that young girls of our time have pulled themselves out of political participation.

During the 2015 polls young girls see it as an opportunity to relax at home and rest while some of my friends even see it as a time to learn some new make-up tips, most of them didn't even bother to go and collect their Permanent Voter's Card (PVC), with the excuse that the process is stressful.

Finally, I want to call on all meaningful Nigerians, Civil Society groups, NGO's, INEC and all political stake holders to rise up to the challenge and enlighten our young girls on the need to be involved in the political process of our great country Nigeria, they should be aware that if our country must get to that height we aspire, all hands must be on deck.

Thank you for taking out time to read this piece today, kindly share with your friends.

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