I welcome you again to this awesome page, i trust God that you and your family are doing well. Today, I have picked up my Leo-Smart pen to share with you a topic that feeds my heart with anger and dilutes it with tears in my eyes.
Before i proceed, if you miss our past shared experience, please click HERE now!
It is about Our Cleaner and Her Four Kids, I am sure you will be wondering if Iya-Ejima(my mum) has employed a Cleaner who has four kids, sorry to disappoint you, Iya-Ejima has not employed any cleaner.
Vincent once taught in a small private school located somewhere in Agege, Lagos, where this young lady in her late 20;s was employed as a cleaner. If you would permit me, let me quickly explain to you why I choose to write this particular piece.
My aim is that after reading this piece, some people orientation will change about how they bring children to the world. There is no doubt that children are beautiful gifts from God, of which I pray that when my to-be wife and I are ready, he will bless us with them too. But, what seems to amaze me is that some people just bring this wonderful gifts to come and suffer on earth. I subscribe to this adage "Cut your Coat according to your Size" that is, give birth to the number of children you can give a Quality Life.
However, let me quickly rush back to this unusual Cleaner and her four kids. This lady who I will help save her name, is hooked up (They are not married) with a bus conductor, who is fortunate to have her as a Sex Machine; and baby making factory, the so called husband who I think should be in his early 30s while the Cleaner in her Late 20's.
Recently, I asked Vincent, "why will your school employ such a Dirty person as a Cleaner"?, he said to me "Nwane(Brother) that is an irony i have not been able to explain", My mouth went open as I gazed at him in surprise, and if at all you are like my Landlord's wife who thinks cleaners should always appear dirty, then I advice you to go read more on how germs spread.
At this point if you will allow me, let me pull you by your Trouser/Skirt like a wise Dog will do to his/her owner just to show him/her something important.Let me highlight some crazy things she does with herself and the kids.
1. She is so young and has four kids already that she could hardly train them.
2. She is an illiterate so could barely help her kids with their school works.
3. She is a cleaner in a small school, where she earns five thousand naira or less, with four kids to cater for. 4. The kids could barely eat three balanced meal each day.
5. The kids look so dirty that people around cant even help carry her 3-4month old baby. In addition to the dirty state of the kids, they dont wear clean socks and underwears to school (if at all they have), to crown the devil the more, they dont wear pants to school (dont ask me how I got to know). Let me alight at this bus-stop for today on her issue, but the question I have had to ask is "Should God be blamed for allowing us have Children as much as we want, even when some people can not give them Quality life? I leave you to ponder with that question as I sign-out here before my ink will dry up and you will call me Amebo.
Thank you for your time today. I will be back again with another Funny, Crazy, Serious and Interesting life issues.