The Rat That Invaded our Privacy - Life Issues With The Obasi Twins


I woke up this morning feeling lazy and tired (please dont ask me what I did all through the night), but the thought of the conversation I had with my boss few days ago keeps ringing in my head, so I decided to let it out of my head as I share it with you,because they say a problem shared is half solved.
This piece is centered on religion but trust me am not a fanatic, am only here to share my humble thought which you could decide to agree or disagree with. On a beautiful friday afternoon, my boss called on me to follow him to Victoria Island so as to fix a business transaction, on our way, my boss who is a district pastor in one of the leading church in Lagos, started lamenting to me the various "Sicknesses" that has hit the foundation of the church, whereby making it shake profusely. Before I go futher in sharing with you this Sicknesses, permit me to tell you the scenario that inspired the choice of my topic "The Rat That Invaded our Privacy.

On a hot afternoon after the unreliable PHCN in my area had withheld power from us as their nameimply, I decided to go out and take fresh air, as I sat on the bench outside our apartment, I sighted a young man as he picked up a stone and aimed at a rat that was trying to make it way into their apartment, though he missed his target, the rat couldn't gain entry into their apartment, I laughed as I watched the young guy still go after the rat, obviously the rat was faster than him, seeing me laughat him, the young man walked up to me and asked Broz, why are you laughing at me, would I haveallowed that nonsense rat into our compound"? Of course any right thinking person will say NO, which was what I did before he walked away. However, back too the discussion between myself and my boss. Considering the fact that my boss is a pastor, I quietly listened to him with my big ears widely open as he spell out the Rat;(issues) thathas invaded the church, whereby hindering the spiritual growth. He highlighted the "Rat" as
1. Politics 2. Greed for money 3. Selfishness e.t.c. I choose this three, because they sound like the most prominent amongst all.


Before now, I use to think politics is a game played by the "World" as we believers  call the unbelievers, but today the reverse is the case. Politics has grown so big in the church that Politicians now consult clergy men for advice on political issues. I could remember, on a sunday morning while I was preparing to go to church, I asked Iya Ejima(My Mum), can an igbo man become a bishop in our Lagos West Diocese?, she said "that will never happen, yoruba people no gogree", I was shocked by her response. Then talking about the new trend in churches now, whereby politicians use the church auditorium as their campaign ground during service and you also find pastors directly or indirectly telling their congregation who to vote for in an election, even in some high ranking position in church, members are no longer appointed due to their spirituality.


According to the holy book "The Love of Money is the root of all evil". I bet you hardly hear this quote in our churches this days, because if there is anything greater than LOVE then that is what the church have for Money. The Love for Money; has grown wings that you start thinking if the church was established to generate wealth for it Leaders, even my friend who is an ALFA has bought into the idea that he is now thinking of establishing his own church in the nearest future so he will be able to buy one or two private jets for himself, funny I guess, but as a good friend that I am , have wished him success in his future plans.



I learnt that those who went to schools established by missionaries in the 70's and 80's paid little or nothing, sometimes they even get free food and pocket money. These days, schools established by churches are so expensive that a worker/member of the church can hardly afford it, am sure you know these schools, so I wont bother to list them before the fanatics around here will start thinking am not born-again. Anyway, this is just one out of the numerous examples of how selfishness has taking over the church, most church leaders dont even care if their members sleep under the bridge after service, all they think and encourage their members to bring is their tithe and offering. I will drop my pen here, before my ink go finish and some people go talk say their pastor head don catch me, or they will start looking for my profile to confirm if am actually a Christian, but before I go permit me to ask this question "will the church be able to find this "Rat" where it is hiding and throw it out permanently? before it goes after the holy book on the alter. Kindly join me on this platform again for another insightful topic, dont forget also to share and encourage your friends and enemies to read this.                          

 Obasi Twins
Twitter: @obasitwins
BB Pin: 3324116D
