Advice On How To Handle The Question "How Much Do We Pay You?" Interview Question

The most controversial interview question that has cost many job applicants their dream jobs is "how much do we pay you" question, though it comes in many twists. Here are what some people adviced on a forum "Nairaland".... Read on, it is very helpful

The simple answer is,there is a particular salary structure for every department in a company,so when you are asked the question,tell your interviewer that the post you are seeking for has a payment structure the company offers and you will be ok accepting that plan............but make sure u have an idea of the salary structure before going for the interview - Genchukky

I think what dey r asking u indirectly is "how much is ur service worth?" Dey want 2 know hw much u value ursef. Give them a specific figure and tell them u r open to negotiation. Say it with confidence. - Hayjaz

Well, what I did (like a month ago) was to ask from people I know what the pay is like for that position. I told them I wanted something in that range but that I was pretty flexible. However, when I finally got the job, they offered me what I requested and a little more but Oliver Twist me, i decided to negotiate and they increased it even further. So what you specify is not necessarily what you'll get especially if they like you. 

I can't remember the exact words I used but it went like,
'I'm looking for something between 80 and 90k but I'm pretty flexible and will consider the total package (ie bonuses, benefits, paid time off etc).

If they ask you to give a particular figure, just go with the lowest amount you'd be comfortable with and then some. It's pertinent you do your homework with regards to how much similar positions pay.
- annoymous

if you are an experienced staff, add like 70% to your current gross pay and say it with confidence. If you are an entry level / no experience staff, ask a little bit above their entry payment. Just know that no matter the amount you call, the panel or interviewer will make you look like a thief. Just smile with confidence in your mind say "You don't know what you are pricing" - Dammytosh

I Hope this is helpful.