10 Types Of Lecturers You Meet In The University

 1.The Sadist - Most students are scared of him. He comes to class, threatens everyone, you rarely see him smile, always serious with a straight face. He never gives an 'A' and when result comes out, his courses are always mass failure. He is usually the most hated lecturer.

2.The comedian - He is more or less a stand-up comedian. Always lively, students look forward to his laugher-filled lectures but once taken for granted, he can be shocking. He is usually stingy with marks/grades.

3.The Student lecturers - Also known as Assistant lecturers. They usually start as errand boys to some top lecturers in the department, they mark exam scripts, invigilate during tests & exams and later graduate to helping the lecturers with some of their lectures. They are usually hyperactive, aggressive and proud which usually results into a clash with the students.

4.The Crazy Lecturer - He rarely smiles, does things in an unusual manner including ways of speaking(with big grammar like Hon. Patrick Obahiagbon), a funny dress sense(with long bling-bling chains like Ayo Oritsejafor). He is always REAL and serious, doesn't care what his students feels or think about him, highly unpredictable and lectures for 3/4hrs until the students complains.

5.The Fatherly Lecturer - He is always matured, homely, approachable, and friendly. He takes his time to extensively teach his students in such a way that once you fail his course, you know that you truly deserve to fail. He is students' favourite.

6.The Lazy Lecturer - He comes to class twice in a semester(One, for course introduction & later, for revision, a week to Exams). He doesn't lecture nor teach, he only comes to read out loud while the students listen. He doesn't care if you understand or not, and 15 or 20mins, he is done for the day's lecture.

7.The 'Runs' lecturer - He comes to class, gives shabby lectures and drop his mobile digits or his errand boy's digits(The coded students knows what to do). #5k for 'C', #8k for 'B' and #10k for 'A' depending on the importance or Unit of the course.

8.The Departmental dog - Woman wrapper. He takes advantage of any vulnerable female student, it doesn't matter how young she is, the sex addict just want to get laid at the slightest opportunity. Hide your babe, sister, daughter from him.

9.The story teller - 90% of his lecture is the story about his days in the University and how serious/dedicated they were those days + how he still consult his 1973 lecture notebook. He talks about how bad the Gov't and the school management is, especially if he is an ardent ASUU member. He usually receive at least 10 phone calls within a lecture.

10a.The Religion fanatic (Daddy G.O) - This type of lecturer comes to class to chip in the Gospel within his lecture, inviting the entire class to his church & mid week programmes. He is always gentle & Godly.

10b.The Religion fanatic (Mallam) - He comes to class and usually separates the female students from the male students before his lecture begins. He looks gentle and you don't need to be told before you know he is a muslim. Take him for granted and you will pay dearly for it.