Pictures Of Various Ankara Styles

Africa is bless with beautiful ladies you will want to say but believe me, you are RIGHT. An African woman with an African oriented style of the traditional wears will attract you no matter where you are from.

Check Out lovely African styles below and tell me what you think.

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Green with envy.
Green is everywhere in Nigeria, you can tell from the Flag of the country. Green is the most common color in the natural world, and it’s second only to blue as the most common favorite color. It’s the color we associate with money, the environment, and aliens, and it’s the color of revitalization and rebirth.
Green stands for balance, nature, spring, and rebirth. It’s the symbol of prosperity, freshness, and progress. The style above will give that complement you want to your choice of color as it is with the picture above. Thinking green? Choose the style above.

Gown are of different kind, most people don't know this, Tea gown is different from an Evening gown or a Ball gown, Other gown include a bed gown which is not that common here in Nigeria and of course the Cocktail gown.

You want a nice short ball gown? choose the style above, we both know it will look really nice on your lovely shaped body; especially if you have the size of the lady in the picture. Give me that smile that he loves to see on you. Yes, that's my girl. *winks*

Still on the Ball Gown, for those who's shape is not as heavy as the picture before this, you can go for a simple style as this. Show those curves, straight legs and whatever "tingy" you want to show with this lovely style. It will fit on you perfectly. Give it a try.

You might want to cover the laps, this style will suit you well if your guy is the jealous type that loves the laps covered when he want to go out with you. Don't mind him, he's just trying to be protective, you know there are wolfs out there. Choose this style to make things cool with your man while you still look nice.

You don't want to show up for an evening with that young man looking awkward you know. That Ankara inside ehn, bring it out, show this picture (above) to the tailor, leave the tailor to do justice to the Ankara, you are covered!

You really love looking nice, i can cos you spent more time looking at this picture (above) than any other on this page. You want to go stylish? Go ahead dear, this style is just too perfect to ignore and besides, that red shoe you have with you will go well on this. Give it a try.

More Pictures below:

I hope you'v picked your own style.
