Education - 10 Types Of Invigilators You Will Meet In The University/Polytechnics Examination Hall

1. The ones who will praise the first student to submit his booklet making every other students look like they know nothing. "Wow! Do you mean you have finished?" They will face other students and say "can see your life?, he finished before an hour”  (How that one take concern us?).

2. The ones who will keep telling you the history of their lives, how they performed excellently amongst their peers when they were in college. They will tell you they were always prepared for any exam & the barely got “C” (If I Hear)
3. The ones who will collect your question paper and go through it. They will ask "why sweating
profusely on these cheap questions?
If I were you I would
have finished since (Come and have your seat na)

4. The ones forming James Bond in the hall. They will start giving testimonies of how many students they have caught cheating and have been rusticated (Mumu fowl like this i never see).

5. The ones who will collect your question paper, go through the questions and shake their heads pitifully without saying anything. (I wonder what he/she is shaking his/her head for).
6. The ones who will glance at your answer booklet and they will ask why your booklet is blank. "Didn’t you read for the examination?" (Bros, I beg comot near me!).

7. The ones who will never accept your apology if you are caught cheating. The moment you are
caught cheating, just hurriedly obtain the next available Jamb form (All hail the Deeper Life and Teblik Alfa).

8. The ones who are very sensitive. Try communicate with any student and they will change your seat grin . You keep wondering how smart they really are to have noticed you. (Babalawo for fit you sir).

9. The ones who are very gentle and friendly. Thirty minutes into the examination hall they are already sleeping. The moment you are making noise, they will wake up, walk around and return back to their seat. Before you know it they will sleep off (I don't even know what to write about this one).

10. The ones who will force you to submit even if you still have an hour left. They will tell you “what are you still writing when all your mates have submitted?" (We paid the school fee together?).

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