Shuga is a TV series that was first aired in November 2009 on MTV Base as part of an initiative dubbed MTV Staying Alive Ignite! It was commissioned by MTV Networks African association with The MTV Staying Alive Foundation, PEPFAR (The US President's Emergency Fund for Aids Relief), the Partnership for an HIV-Free Generation (HFG) and the Government of Kenya, as part of a ground-breaking multimedia campaign to spread the message about responsible sexual behaviour and tolerance.
It later became a hit and was aired in 40 different African countries before it was aired internationally in over 70 television stations. It was thought to be a very controversial series by the senior generation of Kenyans because it contained some scenes that contained sexually explicit content.
It bagged a Gold award in May 2010 at the World Media Festival in Hamburg, Germany in the Public Relations Health category for its vivid and uncompromising focus on love, emotions and sexual behavior amongst the Kenyan youth.
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